Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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U. Manikandan1*, U. Poorani2,K. Saibudeen3, A. Satheesh kumar4


Sinuses are moist air space within the bones of the face around the nose. When they become infected and inflamed or become irritated this is called sinusitis. Inflammation of the mucosal lining of sinus cavity may be suppurative or non suppurative. It affects both sexes equally.The clinical symptoms are malaise, headache, recurrent sneezing, watery rhinorrhoea, tenderness in maxillary and frontal region, poor sensation of smell and facial pain. Practicing of Siddhar yogic therapy such as Asanam, Pranayamam, and om meditation decrease the symptoms of Sinusitis.Siddhar Yoga Therapy gives a good management forSinusitis.

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