Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Withstanding Pandemic through Education, Economic and Health Policies

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Jose Benito C. Ronolo1 , Maria Efrelij J. Cuadra2 , Jessabel Q. Cabada3 , Ana Ninfa B. Caballero4 , Omar A. Tantoy5


Abstract: COVID-19 is not yet under control. The more that the government must make informed decisions through policies to address the needs of the people better. Hence, this paper examines current reports and studies on the impacts of COVID-19 and designed policy initiatives to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on education, health and safety, and economic dimensions. Among the enormous data gathered and reviewed worldwide and, in the Philippines, only five research articles were included. With these research articles, twelve policy statements were formulated. Policy statements on education includes non-contact education and enhanced competency-based curriculum. On the other hand, policy statements on health and safety covers strengthening research and technology, highlighting healthcare system capacity and budget prioritization in the acceleration of the construction of health facilities. As to the economic dimension, the recommended policy statements expands to local production for local consumption, encourage home or urban gardening, initiate hydroponics, aquaponics and horticulture gardening, institutionalize the “Farm Food Box”, clustering of barangays, strengthen transparency, and amendment on global tariff policy. These policies might help in mitigating the impacts of these three interrelated sectors of the pandemic in the Philippines. Further, it is suggested to conduct additional studies related to other sectors.

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