Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Water Footprints

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Krisna Raj Singh


Abstract: Towns are energy demand hotspots with local and national water resources implications. Through the widespread cross-border exchange of goods and services, water flows "virtually" in and out of the towns. Water supply initiatives and urban design decisions that impact residential, commercial, and industrial growth affect all physical and virtual surface water. This "teleconnection" type of water is progressively acknowledged as an important element of water strategy making. The position of trading & digital water flow is rarely addressed as an alternative to expand the "actual" water sources supply of a region, with a focus on monotonous extension of safe water supply technology. To determine the ability and importance of getting into account digital flows throughout urban development and policy and to evaluate digital water flows, we compare current methods. In the study of urban water footprints, we also identify and address goals for future research.

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