Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Vitamin D deficiency (Review Article)

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Dr. Ali Adnan Jabbar


Background: Vitamin D is an extremely important vitamin that has powerful effects on several systems, vitamin D deficiency is very common, it estimated that about 1 billion people worldwide Objectives:((Aim )) To identify the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency among the medical students. The aim of this study to evaluate the sun exposure in the vitamin D deficiency. Patients and methods:- This study was done in Al-Hussein teaching hospital and Al- Murtadha lab , the total number of cases was 95. From the period of 3 November of 2022 to 1 March of 2023.. A study sample include students attending college of medicine . Out of total number of students, the convenient sample of 95 ( 60 female, 35 male )students were selected and agreed to participate in the study. The data was collected using online self - administered questionnaire form. Statistical analysis was done by using IBM/SPSS version 21(Statistical Package for social science) computer software. For sample description, a number and percentage were presented of tables and graphs. Also, chi square was used to describe the association between related variables. Results: The overall prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency was 69.5% among students. The gender is significantly associated with Vitamin D deficiency symptoms . The highest percentage of Vitamin D deficiency was 84.2% among females ,15.8% males . Conclusion :- The vitamin D deficiency is very common , there is a high rate of vitamin D deficiency in women and increase with age ,and with prevent exposure to sun and low diet of vitamin D .

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