Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Various Approaches to overcome Depression: A Review

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Anu Kumar1 , Neha Rathi2


Abstract Depression is a global health problem which is elevating constantly. It affects not just the mood of the patient but also it`s health, behavior and the quality of life. Diagnosis becomes difficult as there is no exact point for it`s confirmation except some symptoms which too vary among patients. The condition can be triggered by various factors such as the surrounding friends and family, social sites, food habits, sleep patterns, food insecurity, childhood traumas, post partum and genetic factors. Since there is a wide range of clinical heterogeneity among patients the treatment approach would depend upon the individual itself. Different patients may show varying efficacy to different approaches. Along with the treatment there is a serious need to promote awareness among people of all age groups regarding various myths of the disorder and make them aware of the seriousness of this rising global health issue. In this review we made an approach to gather information about various treatment approaches available worldwide to fight this disorder as allopathy alone is not feasible to deal with it.

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