Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Utility of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in granulomatous mastitis with clinical, radiological and cytological findings association

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1Dr. Jaymala Solanki, 2Dr. Hiren Mundiya


Objective: Granulomatous Mastitis is chronic inflammatory disease of breast which almost always mimics cancer in young individuals. Although Histopathology remains gold standard for the correct diagnosis, FNAC plays a pivotal role in the early diagnosis of GM as a minimally invasive, simple and cost effective outpatient treatment. Material and Method: In present study cases reported as GM during period of 2018-2019 (2 year period) were retrospectively searched. In all cases, FNAC of the breast were performed by the pathologist using 22 or 23 gauge needle. Smears stained with H and E stain, Pap stain, giemsa stain and ZN stain. In cases of Pus material TB PCR run on CBNEET machine. Result: In the present study 19 cases of GM were obtained over period of 2 years. Out of 19 cases 4 cases were diagnosed as TBM (21.05) bases on positive AFB staining and positive Gene Expert for tuberculosis (CBNAAT). Remaining 15 cases were labelled as IGM (78.94%) because of negative culture from pus discharge, negative PAS and AFB staining. In all patients there were no history of other causes of GM like sarcoidosis, fungal infection, previous trauma or surgery, autoimmune disease. So our study consists of TBM and IGM patients. All patients of TBM and IGM were female and presented with breast lump. Conclusion: Granulomatous Mastitis including NGM and TBM are an uncommon chronic inflammatory disease of breast which almost always mimics cancer in young individuals and have overlapping clinical and cytological finding. FNAC along with proper clinical history help in differentiating these two entities.

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