Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Usage of Social Media among Undergraduate University Students

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Siddhartha S 1 , Abdul Habeeb Adil2 , Mushir Mulla3 , Munaz Mulla4 , Fazlur Rahman Sayed5 , Kunwar Suhrab singh6 , Suchismita Tripathi7 , Sowmya R8* , Sumaiya Zabin Eusufzai 9


Abstract: Social media is being used in various forms by many different platforms for numerous reasons. Many people define social media as applications on their smartphones, tablets or computers. It is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-friendly features. It has become an integral part of the lives of people of all ages around the world as it enables people to communicate easily and across distances. In today's world, it is undeniable that social media plays an important role in impacting our culture, our economy and our overall view of the world. Social media has removed communication barriers and created decentralized communication channel and open the door for all to have a voice and participate in a democratic fashion including people in repressive countries. The adverse effects of these social networking sites outweigh the positive ones. Thus, these sites have caused potential harm to society. Students become victims of social networks more often than anyone else. This may be because social media is an attractive way for students to avoid boredom while they are studying or searching their course material online, diverting their attention from their work. Social media platforms have also been criticized for revealing and feeling negativity which has a net-negative effect on students. The study reveals that majority of university students use different types of social media platforms. And greater number of students agree that there are equal pros and cons of using social media networks and felt that it has effect in their studies. Based on the proverb “Too Much Anything is Good for Nothing”, social media usage must be utilized in proper and rightful manner when needed. This study concludes that during this modern era it’s not possible to restrict an individual on using social media networks, as it helps to develop them in all aspects to flourish in their life.

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