Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Trace File Analysis To Obtain Congestion Window, Throughput And PDR

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Sowmyashree M S1 ,Saritha I G1 ,Archana Arun1 ,Manasa M1 ,Samhitha C S1 , Spoorthi H Shetty1


The use of wireless networks have led to a recognizable evolution in the area of wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs).With the help of WBAN a patient's state of health can be repeatedly monitored without affecting his day to day activities. A wide range of technologies have played a significant role in supporting WBAN applications which includes telemedicine, remote monitoring and ambient assisted living by focusing on particular quality of service requirements. In this project, the QOS parameters like delay and throughput will be improved compared to existing protocols with the help of a simulator(NS2).We will collect values from the present database and transmit it via the internet such that it will have minimum delay and throughput, so that the packet without any loss of data can be collected at the hospitals.

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