Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Systematic Review On Gait Analysis: Trends And Developments

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Nithyakani P1 , M Ferni Ukrit2


ABSTRACT -The research on gait analysis has a drastic growth in recent years for various applications like authentication, video surveillance, health monitoring system and animation. Gait recognition is an emerging intelligent system because of its recognition at a distance and it works well with low resolution videos. This paper provide the various gait features extracted in model based approach and model free approach. This paper describes the survey of gait recognition techniques which include the four major steps such as data acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. Descriptions about wearable sensor, Vision base and pathological database is summarized. In recent years, performance of human recognition has been impressively enhanced by deep architectures. This paper offers an up to- date survey of deep architectures on gait recognition, mainly focusing on the performance of convolutional neural network combined with other architectures. Furthermore, general challenges faced in gait recognition and directions for future research are discussed.

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