Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Soil Amelioration To Increase Production Of Rice (Oryza Sativa, L)

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Etik Puji Handayani1 , Yasim2 , Supriyadi3 , Bigi Undadraja4


ABSTRACT: Soil amelioration used either organic materials or mineral materials accelerate the availability of nutrients and correlated to the increase in rice production. It’s depends on the precision of the type, dose and application methods ameliorant. The study aimed to determine the best combination of ameliorant and biochar application techniques on growth and yield of rice were conducted from April until August 2016 at the greenhouse STIPER Dharma Wacana Metro. The research was design prepared in factorial by completely randomized block design with three (3) replicates. The first factor is the composition of ameliorant (A), consists of three levels, namely: manure 20 tons/ha + zeolite 2 tons/ha + dolomite 2 tons/ha (a1), rice straw compost 50 tons/ha + zeolite 2 tons/ha + dolomite 2 tons/ha (a2), and rice straw compost 75 tons/ha + zeolite 3 tons/ha + dolomite 3 tons/ha (a3). The second factor is biochar application techniques (B), consists of three levels, namely: as amelioration (b1), as a coating urea (b2), and a filter (b3). The results showed that fine biochar application both as ameliorant or as a coating of urea in combination with rice straw compost 75 tons/ha + zeolite 3 tons/ha + dolomite 3 tons/ha is more effective in the increasing nutrient availability which is indicated by the growth and yield of rice is better than the other treatments.

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