Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Regional Chairman of Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Role in Empowering the Islamic Community in Lampung

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Wiwin Windayanti, Bahri Ghozali, Rosidi, Abdul Syukur


Abstract: Islam greatly provides an opportunity for women to develop themselves as human resources in the midst of society and has clearly taught the equality between a man and woman to play a role in empowering society. However, there are a few women who fully play a role in empowering the Islamic community, because a woman is still not considered a man equal partner, and women is considered dependent enough in empowering the community. Therefore, we need a forum or women's organization in religious social activities, namely the Regional chairman of Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Lampung to solve these women's problems in empowering the Islamic community. The purpose of this study was to determine the Regional chairman of Muslimat NU role in empowering the Islamic community in Lampung and to find out the empowerment carried out by the Regional chairman of Muslimat NU in empowering the Islamic community in Lampung. This research was designed to use a qualitative approach and a phenomenological research, namely a philosophical approach to investigate human experience by involving a careful and thorough test on the human experience consciousness that the main concept is a meaning. In collecting the data, it was using observation and interviews as primary data, while documentation as secondary data. The data analysis was according to Burhan Bungin's data analysis including unit arrangement, data categorization, and data interpretation. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the Regional chairman of Muslimat NU had played a role in empowering the Islamic community, especially the Muslimat NU, but it had not been maximized, because some Regional chairman of Muslimat NU programs were not running, and the empowerment carried out by the Regional chairman of Muslimat NU had not directly touched the community down to the bottom and breadth. As for the empowerments carried out by the Regional chairman of Muslimat NU in Lampung in empowering the Islamic community were Education and Regeneration, Health and Population, Economics, Da'wah, and Community Development.

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