Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Potency of Tropical Heparin Spray Therapy in A Tertiary Referral Centre for Second Degree Thermal Burns

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Sanjay Kumar Gupta1 , Shinde Sagar Sambhaji2 , Ashutosh Shankhdhar3


Introduction: Numerous innovative medications are being used to treat burn victims' pain, lessen scarring, and enhance their overall prognosis. Heparin has been used in this context due to its involvement in the management of burn wounds being scientifically established. The goal was to determine whether the addition of heparin, applied just topically, may enhance the therapy of burns. Method: 60 patients with 11-21% burns each was randomly assigned to the heparin group (H-group) (30) or the control group (C-group) in this study (30). Result: From the first week on, only patients in the H-group were given analgesics on demand. In contrast, 34% of patients in the C-group received a twice-daily dose of analgesics during the first week of their treatment. Patients in the H-group had an average hospital stay of 12.2 days as opposed to the 18.2 days it took the C-group patients on average (P < 0.04). Conclusion: According to the current research project, heparin significantly reduces the need for analgesics and the amount of time needed to prepare a burn lesion for grafting. Heparin also appears to be more affordable than silver sulfadiazine dressings.

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