Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Effectiveness of Hand Washing Training Based on Kirkpatrick's Theory on Nurses

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VinnaAmaliaResiDamayanti1 , Ernawaty1*


Abstract: Hospitals have an obligation to provide education and training to staff who are potentially exposed and have direct contact with patients. This research was conducted because the number of hand washing non-compliance in 2017 still become the high standard set by the hospital at 0%. The study aims to analyze the elements of hand washing training on nurses based on the training effectiveness by Kirkpatrick's 2- Level theory. This research was descriptive, using a questionnaire to know the effectiveness of the training and the effectiveness of knowledge. The sample consisted of the nurses at DKT GubengPojok Hospital Surabaya. The sampling technique was total sampling with 14 nurses who participated in the training and also 20 nurses who did not attend, and there were 34 respondents. Fourteen nurses who participated in the training had an adequate reaction level about the training they get and supported by an average score of 78.29 had good knowledge and ability to remember the training material, compared with 20 nurses who did notattend the training. This research concludes that the identification of each element of training gets effective results. Moreover, the result showed the comparison of the knowledge level between the participating nursesand those who did not participate in practice as they received different grades.

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