Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Effect of Immediate and Delayed Feedback on the Achievement of Chinese EFL Learners on Reading Comprehension

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Di Qi1,Azizah Rajab2,Nur’ain Balqis Haladin3, Wenjing Wang4,Xiaoxiao Fu5


Abstract This study aims to investigate the effect of using two types of feedback (immediate and delayed) in motivating Chinese students to improve English proficiency in the university level. The current study employs 3(immediate feedback, delayed feedback and no feedback) X 3(low level, moderate level and high level) quasi-experimental study. Highlighting the purpose of the current study by adopting three groups of participants (2018- 2019). 18 English majors in the university were selected to participate in present study for 1 week. By comparing the achievements of pretest and posttest, the result showed that students in the immediate feedback group performed better than students in the delayed feedback group and no feedback group. Additionally, high proficiency learners benefited more from immediate feedback, with making more progress than the other two levels. However, moderate proficiency level learners benefited more from delayed feedback compared to the other two proficiency level groups.

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