Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Effect of Health Promotion on Disease Prevention

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Pham Trong Khang Ha1*, Van Duong Ha2


Today, the focus on the health promotion and disease prevention is stronger than ever been. Many diseases, especially chronic noncommunicable diseases are the main cause of the death and disability. Nevertheless, the main risk factors associated with chronic diseases are largely preventable by the health promotion. This was provided compelling evidence that addressing those risk factors is an efficient performance of the management policy, patient assessment, patient information and intervention, promoting a healthy workplace, and continuity and cooperation. In other words, these are the factors that have positive impacts on the disease prevention. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of health promotion on disease prevention. This study is based on the definition of health promotion and used the five dimensions theory of health promotion, the standards for health promotion in hospitals, and make some adjustments in the context of the health care providers. The scale was appropriately designed to be applicable in many health care contexts, with a particular focus on health care in the context of the rapidly growing private health facilities (PHFs) in Vietnam. The study found that the management policy, patient assessment, patient information and intervention, promoting a healthy workplace, and continuity and cooperation had positive effects on the disease prevention. The results of this study are an important foundation to propose policy measures to advance the health promotion, and contribute the disease prevention at the HCPs in Vietnam.

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