Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The EffctConsumtionof Red Beans (Phaseolus VulgarisL) Boiled on Hemoglobin LevelsIn Adolescent In Institute of Health Science STRADA Indonesia

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Candra Wahyuni, Shanty Natalia, MiftakhurRohmah, RetnoPalupi Yoni Siwi, Nita DwiAstikasari, AnggrawatiWulandari, Riza TsalatsatulMufida, Yeni Puspitasari


Anemia in general is a condition where hemoglobin and erythrocyte levels are lower than normal Anemia that is occurred by many adolescents due to Fe deficiency and can be called Fe deficiency anemia (Tarwoto, 2014). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumption ofred beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L) boiled on hemoglobin levels in adolescent in institute of health science STRADA Kediri.The research design used was pre-experiment with one group pre-post test design. The population in this study were all third semester students in Institute of health Science STRADA who experienced anemia with a sample of 18 respondents. The sampling technique used was Purposive sampling.The results showed that all (100%) had mild anemia before treatment, after the treatment, the results of all respondents (100%) experienced a change to non-anemia. Based on the results statistically using test, Wilcoxon the obtained p value 0.005 <α 0.05 thenH0 is rejected and H1 accepted, which means there is the effect of red beans(PhaseolusvulgarisL) boil on hemoglobin levels in adolescent in institute of health science STRADA Kediri.It can be concluded that boiled red beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L) contain iron which is useful for increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood. It is recommended for respondents to use boiled red beans as food to prevent anemia.

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