Online ISSN: 2515-8260

THE BLOCKBUSTER LMA: A Prospective Cohort Study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the device.

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Dr Aryan Guleria1 , Dr Devanshi2 , Dr Priyanka Sood3 , Dr Anjana Badhan4 , Dr Dheeraj Singha5 , Dr Jai Singh6


Background and Aim The Blockbuster Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) is a newer supraglottic airway device which is said to be effective for ventilation and intubation. In our study, we wish to evaluate the combined safety and efficacy of the Blockbuster LMA during blind tracheal intubation. Materials and methods: We included sixty patients in our study who were American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) I-II and aged between 18 - 60 years. Induction was done using intravenous fentanyl 2μg/kg, propofol 2mg/kg and atracurium 0.5 mg/kg (premedication with intravenous glycopyrrolate 0.2mg and midazolam 0.2mg/kg). The Blockbuster LMA was gradually introduced into position and the cuff was inflated with air. The ability to ventilate was confirmed via bilateral chest rise and capnography. Patients were intubated blindly through the Blockbuster laryngeal mask with a specific endotracheal tube provided by the manufacturer. The time required for insertion, ease of insertion, number of attempts, manoeuvres applied, time for intubation, intubation success rates, intraoperative hemodynamic changes, intraoperative airway dynamic changes, and post-operative laryngopharyngeal complications were documented. Results: All patients were intubated easily in a single attempt except one patient in whom a very large epiglottis was visualized under direct laryngoscopy. Time to successful insertion was 14.2 + 4.8 seconds and time to successful intubation was 11.7 + 5.4 seconds. There were no significant changes in the airway or hemodynamic parameters. Conclusion: Blind intubation through the Blockbuster LMA has a 98.33% success rate with many advantages. It is a far better choice in difficult airway management.

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