Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The assessment of the spectrum and clinical profile of benign breast cancer in rural areas

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Dr. Dilip Kumar Singh


assessment of the spectrum and clinical profile of benign breast cancer in rural areas Materials and Methods: This was a clinical study conducted at Department of General Surgery, Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College and Hospital, Saharsa,Bihar, India.for 12 months, Patients presented with different breast related problems like lump in breast, nipple discharge, associated fever and mastalgia were admitted in surgical ward for evaluation. Results: A total of 200 females were included in the study. Fibroadenoma 79 (39.5%) and fibroadenosis 49(24.5%) were the commonest diseases, both presenting mostly at 20-30 years of age. Left side involvement was most common. The commonest presentation was breast lump which comprised (82%) cases, patients with breast lump 82%, patients with breast pain 36.5% and patients with nipple discharge 3.5%. Conclusion: Benign breast disorders are a prevalent issue in women in their second and third decades, and they cause a lot of fear of cancer. Patients with BBDs usually have one or more of the following complaints: breast lump, breast pain, or nipple discharge. To make an early diagnosis, all women with discrete breast lumps should undergo a triple assessment.

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