Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Taste Alterations-A Review

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Dr.N.Anitha, Dr. S.Kowsalya, Dr.N.Aravindha Babu, Dr.K.M.K.Masthan


ABSTRACT Taste sensation is a very important factor for maintenance of the health of an individual. It is very essential sensation that serves to assess the nutritious content of food, and also supportsthe oral intake, and preventsfrom the ingestion of potentially toxic substances. Patients become distressed because of the taste disorders. This will causethe serious threat to the health of an older and more vulnerable patientsthey can have high chances to become malnourished through the loss of taste sensation or changes in taste perception.The dentist is the first person who hear complaints about alteration in taste from the patients.Taste changes which may lead the patients to seek inappropriate dental treatments. The proper diagnosis of the etiology is the most important step in the treatment of taste disorders. Thus, it is much needed that dental clinicians to be familiar with the various causes and proper management of taste changes.

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