Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Swami Vivekananda‟s Life And Philosophy

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Dr. Anusmita Talukdar


Abstract: Swami Vivekananda was one of the eminent personalities in the history of India. His work is always remembered as the big contribution to the history of India. He was an Indian Hindu monk who spent his whole life spreading the faiths and beliefs of Hinduism all around the world as well as in India. To be religious for him means leading life in such a way that we manifest our higher nature, truth, goodness and beauty, in our thoughts, words and deeds. All impulses, thoughts and actions which lead one towards this goal are naturally ennobling and harmonizing, and are ethical and moral in the truest sense. He says, we need technical education and all else which may develop industries, so that men, instead of seeking for service, may earn enough to provide for them-selves, and save something against a rainy day. He feels it necessary that India should take from the Western nations all that are good in their civilization. He says for the development of a balanced nation, we have to combine the dynamism and scientific attitude of the West with the spirituality of our country. The entire educational program should be so planned that it equips the youth to contribute to the material progress of the country as well as to maintaining the supreme worth of India’s spiritual heritage.

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