Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Successful Pregnancy Following Hysteroscopic Adhesiolysis Of Severe Intrauterine Adhesions

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Eddy Hartono1 , Witono Gunawan2 , Gina Magda Riana3


Asherman’s syndrome is an intrauterine adhesions that frequently occurs as a result of trauma to the endometrial layer following intaruterine procedures. We report a case of 30 year old woman with previous history of curretage came with secondary amenorrhea and infertility. Hysterescopic adhesiolysis was performed and directly followed by IUD insertion and hormonal treatment for 3 months. Following three cycles of regular menstruation, the IUD was removed. The patient then underwent ovarian stimulation and got conceived. The antenatal period was uneventful and Cesarean section was performed due to low lying placenta at 39 weeks of gestational age. Delivery process was complicated by placenta accreta that was successfully managed with intrauterine Foley catheter balloon tamponade and bilateral uterine artery ligation. Asherman’s syndrome could result in successful pregnancy even in severe cases of adhesion. However, the pregnancy preceded by intrauterine adhesion may get complicated by abnormal placental implantation.

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