Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Study Of Hormonal Parameters In Obese And Non‑Obese Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients

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Mohammed Mustafa Abdulkadhm1*, Mokhalad Waheeb Abdallah2


The physiologic, biochemical, hormonal and differential PCOS (policy ovarian disorder) response to clomiphene should be investigated. Structure: Potential observational research.Governmental financial unit, OPD infertility. Sample size: Around 164 people with infertility consistent with PCOS. Fat PCOS array (BMI < 23 kg / m2) and non-stop PCOS set (BMI < 23 kg / m2). 124 of the overall 164 PCOS women in the BMI [223 kg / m2, 24.39%] were fat group and 40 (24.39%) were non-fat group of PCOS. PCOS patients were 82.34 percent, 3.66 percent, 59.76%, 24.39 percent, 7.93%, and 53.7%, each independently. Women are also an abnormality, asthma, insulin resistence, (IR), metabolic syndrome, endometrial hyperplasia, and clomiphen resistance. In addition the symptoms of Ferriman-Gallwey are menstrual instability, IR, metabalic disorder, distorted lipid05). Endometrial hyperplasia were more frequent in the obese PCOS group due to hypertraining, unexplained glucose level, testosterone and androstenedion, but not statistically significant. No major differences have been found between the two groups between the luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), LH – FSH proportion and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP). Conclusion: Obese PCOS may be more likely to cause antagonistic results such as high blood pressure, metabolic disorder, IR and endometrial hyperplasia. This is not just to help prevent unpleasant results, but also to boost the responsivity to clomiphene citrate by relying on weight of PCOS women.

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