Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Stopping Power For Carbon, Oxygen And Proton Interacting With Adipose Tissue, Skeletal Muscle And Brain Using Different Formulas

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Ahlam Habeeb Hussien


In this research , the energy loss of electronic to projected carbon, oxygen and protons were calculated in targets (Adipose tissue, Skeletal muscle, and Brain)With using Bohr equation and Bethe equation with Bloch correction and Shell correction at the energy range of (20_500) MeV . The calculations were compared with the experimental data of the SRIM 2012 .Since Bohr equation is classic, its results were a difference from the results of the practical program. As for Bethe's quantum equation, its results were Bloch correction that was closest to the practical program. As for the shell correction, it recorded a difference at specific energies and then began to approach with increasing range of used energy.

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