Online ISSN: 2515-8260

social sphere, public policy, Action strategy, employment, reform, income, poverty reduction, social protection.

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Rafal K. Farhan, Rafal K. Farhan


Background: Tinea pedis is a dermatophyte infection of the feet, especially the toes and soles of the feet. Aim of this study: This study aims to evaluate prevalence, etiology, and risk factors of tinea pedis and bacterial super infections in Dour city population. Patients and methods: This is a cross sectional study, was carried out in one year duration from March 2019 to March 2020 on 150 patients, both genders, ages ranging from 20-70 years old. Methods include sampling by scraping, direct microscopical exam. with KOH., culture on different media that are used to isolate dermatophytes, as well as culture on different media and different biochemical tests to isolate bacteria, and finally calculating MIC.s. of Lawsonia inermis in killing dermatophytes. Results: T. pedis is the most prevalent in the age 40-49(31.3%). I t is most prevalent during Spring(28%). There are nonsignifcant associations in the relation between diabetes, vascular disease and psoriasis with gender(p value>0.05), while the relations of smoking, obesity, and family history of foot mycoses with gender are statistically significant(p value<0.05). Trichophyton rubrum is the most prevalent causative dermatophyte(36.7%), while Trichophyton verrucosum is the least prevalent(8.7%). Staphylococcus aureus is the most prevalent bacterial species accompanying dermatophytes(80%). MIC. of petroleum ether extract of Lawsonia inermis for T. tonsurans and T. verrucosum is 128 µg/ml., while MIC. of petroleum ether extract of L. inermis is 256 µg/ml. for T. rubrum, T. interdigitale, and E. floccosum. MIC.s of ethanol extract of L. inermis is 16 µg/ml. for T. verrucosum, 32 µg/ml. for T. tonsurans, 64 µg./ml. for T. interdigitale and E. floccosum, and 128 µg./ml. for T.rubrum. Conclusions: T. rubrum was the commonest dermatophyte isolated from cases of Tinea pedis and Staphylococcus aureus was the most common bacterial species. The disease is contagious between the family members. Tinea pedis is usually diagnosed via clinical observation, but there are variety of other methods used to diagnose it.

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