Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Smart Biosensor for Monitoring Human Health- A Review

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Dr. Kamala Mitra


Abstract: The importance of biosensor research is expanding, as it benefits from cuttingedge knowledge that enables innovative biosensing approaches. Biosensors are classified according to their biorecognition pathway, with the biocatalyst group consisting of enzymes, the bio-specific subset consisting of nucleic acids and antibodies as well as the microbiomes consisting of microbial species. The uniqueness, responsivity, and fast reaction of various electrochemical devices, combined with the specificity of bioreceptor molecules,gave advantage to electrochemical biosensors. The use of electrochemical sensors in diagnostic purposes also provide a precise and efficient response for biomarker assessment, with glucose sensors for diabetics being the most effective. This paper provides a review of biophotosensors for sample matrix such as lactate, glucose, Acetyl Choline Esterase (AChE), or protein kinase, collagenase, and others.

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