Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Septic abortion due to illegal practices: where do we stand in 2022?

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s- Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni, Dr. Kanatala Keshava Sree Neha, Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar, Dr. Shankar Burute


Abortion is the removal of a 500g or less embryo or foetus from its mother when it is incapable of surviving on its own (WHO). Septic abortion refers to any abortion that is connected to clinical signs of infection in the uterus and its contents. We in India are still unable to reach most of the couples belonging to low socioeconomic class or those who are illiterate with our family planning services. Due mostly to illegal abortions, septic abortion continues to be the largest cause of maternal death in the developing countries. Here is a case of septic abortion who was near miss mortality due to illegal practices.

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