Online ISSN: 2515-8260

SASI: Smart Agriculture System Based On Iot

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Venkata Reddy P S, 2Nandini Prasad K S, 3Puttamadappa C


Many farmers adopt unconventional methods in farming. They water the crops manually without measuring the soil moisture or temperature conditions in the field. This method is unscientific, leads to wastage of water, manpower and will result in low yield and finally in less income for the farmer. The smart agriculture system that we have developed verifies water level and fertility quotient of the soil through various sensors (Temperature sensors, humidity sensors and soil moisture sensors) to measure the water level, humidity and temperature of the field. The MANETS based Wi-fi module in the system we have devised will transfer all the data that is collected by the sensor to the cloud via the raspberry pi component. The data that is generated by these sensors is later used to analyse the crop / field condition basis which the farmer can act on increase the water level etc., Alerts about variation in these parameters can be directly shared with the farmers through their mobile phones. The system that we have devised can check these factors and enable the farmer to take right decision in real-time.

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