Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Risk factors of intrauterine growth restriction in term pregnancy

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Dr. Sahana PR, Dr. Jeevitha H, Dr. Prajwal M, Dr. Chandrashekar K


Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a pathological condition in which a fetus has not achieved his genetic growth potential, regardless of fetal size (1) Worldwide FGR is observed in about 24% of newborns; approximately 30million infants suffer from FGR every year. The burden of FGR is concentrated mainly in Asia which accounts for nearly 75% of all affected infants. National neonatal perinatal database of India reported the incidence of FGR to be 9.65% among hospital born live birth infants. Study was conducted for all cases with clinical/ Sonological term FGR admitted under department of OBG. A detailed history as per questioner will be taken with general physical examination and investigations will be done as per requirement. The accumulated data was evaluated and statistically analyzed. In the present study 70 patients with term gestation with FGR were recruited. Maternal (74.28%) was the commonest cause followed by Idiopathic (11.43) and Placental (10%) and Fetal (4.29%) causes. Among Maternal causes Pre Eclampsia was found to be in 50% cases. Most of the patients (50.7%) required caesarean section. A total of 9 (12.86%) neonate had birth weight of <1.5 kg, 48.6% had Birth weight between 1.6 to 1.9kg, 38.5% had birth weight between 2-2.4kg and 95.8% had asymmetrical FGR, 4.2% were symmetrical. 26 (40%) neonates had morbidity with 17(24.3%) neonatal mortality with Respiratory distress syndrome (41.18%) being most common cause. No Maternal Mortality.

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