Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Response Of Wheat To Foliar Application Of Iron At Different Growth Stages

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Vicek1 , C. M. Mehta2


Abstract: The experiment was conducted in Agriculture filed of Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar with wheat variety viz. HD 3086 to know the effect of foliar application of iron on nitrogen uptake and its combined impact on growth and yield of wheat. The plot design was RCBD with three replications and eight treatments. T1: Control (without fertilizer), T2: Control (with RDF), T3: RDF+ FeSO4 + Urea (at flowering stage), T4: RDF + FeSO4 (at flowering stage), T5: RDF + FeSO4 + Urea (at milking stage), T6: RDF+ FeSO4 (at milking stage), T7: RDF+ FeSO4 + Urea (at pre-maturity), T8: RDF + FeSO4 (at pre-maturity). The observed parameters plant height, length of spike, number of tiller, effective number of tillers, test weight of grain, number of spike lets per spike, number of grain per spike were taken at regular interval of 60, 90 ,120 DAS. In case of yield parameter the maximum test weight was recorded in T3 (49.75) and minimum was in T3 (45.09). For harvest index maximum value was recorded in T3 (45.42) and minimum in T1 (43.49). According to result, better growth and yield parameter was observed in treatments T3 due to foliar spray of iron and urea. Iron acts as catalyst and regulate many enzymatic activities which helps in better growth and increase in the yield, whereas urea is a source of nitrogen and in plants growth nitrogen play very important role because it helps in the synthesis of chlorophyll and many other activities.

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