Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Reproductive health awareness among adolescents attending gynecology and pediatrics OPD at tertiary centre

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Dr. Anitha N, 2Dr. Prathibha SD, 3Dr. Dhruviben Nileshkumar Pola, 4Dr. Santosh S Basarakod, 5Dr. Ullas Mahesh


Background: The sexual and reproductive health needs of very young adolescents aged 10– 14 in developing countries require increased attention.(9)This study aims to assess the awareness of adolescents about puberty changes Method: Adoloscent girls attending our OPD were asked to attend to a questionnaire with a set of 14 questions and their awareness was assessed based on a “yes” or “no” response. Results: We found that there was significant association between reproductive health awareness and education and age with little knowledge about contraception, teenage pregnancies and its complications. Conclusion: There is an increasing need to educate the most vulnerable population regarding teenage pregnancies, unsafe sexual practices and and contraception to prevent them from contracting sexual transmitted diseases and other such complications.

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