Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Religion and Spirituality: An Imperceptible Quandary

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Rohini Dabgotra


ABSTRACT The term Religion and Spirituality are to be sure proportional of neither one another, however neither they are unfavourably inverse nor the equivalent. Religion and Spirituality are two untethered facts of uncanny reality. Religion is set of creeds, confidence, and ceremonies laid or established on supernaturally mediating belief systems (at any rate that is what is assumed by adherents) which gather devotees into a strict network maybe continuing a moral and good exchange with Spirituality. The term Spirituality exclusively bears no weight; in any case, it flourishes deliberately on pieces and pulsates of religion on a mundane scale. Methodologically this paper depends on nonempirical investigation, different writing have been skimmed and checked on. Accordingly an endeavour by the methods for this paper has been made to figure an investigation in the terms of Religion and Spirituality. In addition this article will assist with breaking down the sociological comprehension and will carry on to two isolated but intermingled terms Religion and Spirituality at this point.

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