Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Recurrent pregnancy loss in case of malformed uterus didelphys, a case study with review of literature

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1Dr. Teena Thomas, 2Dr. Shubha Dadhich


Didelphys uterus is a very rare Mullerian duct anomaly. It is an embryological abnormality resulting from an abnormal fusion of the paramesonephric ducts. It is characterized by complete duplication of uterine horns, cervix, and very often the vagina or the presence of longitudinal vaginal septum. Most women with uterus didelphys are asymptomatic; some cases may present with dyspareunia or dysmenorrhea. The anomaly is associated with a higher risk of miscarriage, preterm labor, breech delivery, and decreased live births. We concluded that uterus didelphys could be asymptomatic, making an early diagnosis difficult. This pregnancy belongs to a high-risk group and requires specialized management. Recurrent pregnancy loss significantly increased in women with uterine anomalies and affected 2%-5% of couples. Many women have more than one possible etiology causes that could contribute to their pregnancy loss. Here, we present a clinical case of a patient with uterus didelphys with previous recurrent four first/second trimester miscarriages who successfully conceived, carried her pregnancy, and gave birth to a healthy infant by cesarean section.

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