Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Randomized study of functional outcome of microdiscectomy versus endoscopic lumbar discectomy in lumbar disc herniations

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1Mohan NS, 2 Siddesh Patil, 3Dr.Basanagoud Nagaral4Dr. Akshay BG, 5Varun KO


Abstract Objectives: To evaluate and compare the functional outcome of Lumbar disc herniations treated by open microscopic discectomy and endoscopic lumbar discectomy assesed by VAS AND ODI AND SF-36 score.To compare intraoperative blood loss, duration of surgery, length of hospital stays between the mentioned two groups. Methods: Our study consists of 30 cases of lumbar disc herniations operated with microdiscectomy / endoscopic lumbar discectomy at Sanjay Gandhi institute of trauma and orthopaedics Bengalore. from december 2020 to december 2022 with follow up period of 12months for each patient after the surgery. Functional outcome was assessed through VAS AND ODI AND SF-36 score in every visit. Results: The mean Age (Years) was 35.67 ± 6.36. out of 30 patients 15 (50.0%) of the participants had Group: OLM. 15 (50.0%) of the participants had Group: ELD. (46.7%) of the betweenthe2groupsintermsofDurationofSurgery (Minutes)(W=212.000,p=<0.001),with the median Duration Of Surgery (Minutes) being highest in the Group: OLM group.There was a significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of Blood Loss (mL) (W = 222.500, p = <0.001), with the median Blood Loss (mL) being highest in the Group: OLM group. there was a significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of improvement in VAS,ODI, and SF-36 score during the first 3 months of postoperative follow up. But after 3 months there Were no statistically significant changes between these 2 groups. Interpretation and conclusion: The clinical results of endoscopic discectomy are similar to those of microdiscectomy in regard to improvement in radiated pain and disability but offer an advantage in relationit causes lesser soft tissue dissection, preservation of bony structures and allows early recovary of the patients,and it could lead to less surgical time, and blood loss. Endoscopic discectomy is a safe and effective technique,representing an alternative to the gold standard microdiscectomy.

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