Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Quantum cryptography helps to improve security problems.

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Abstract Integration is the method used to hide private information in any medium. In recent years, several techniques of steganography have been suggested to protect data. Different techniques of steganalysis have also developed. The number of assaults that the steganalyst has employed has increased throughout the years. Different methods for detection of concealed information are readily accessible over the Internet, thus it is still a significant problem to secure data from Steganalyst. During several works to enhance the current algorithms and also new algorithms, data underlying the picture have been suggested to be safer. We still utilise the same public key cryptography like Deffie-Hellman and RSA for key negotiations, which is susceptible both to the technical development of computer power and to the advancement of mathematics. The adoption of this combination will produce uninterceptable key distribution methods, giving our data with complete safety.

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