Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Psychiatric Comorbidity Among Suicide Attempters

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Dr .J. Reuben1*,Dr.R.T.Kannapiran2 , Dr.G.Ambujam3 , Dr.Rupinder Ghill4 , Dr.Mukil Sakthi5


Attempted suicide is a common clinical problem in general hospitals. Psychiatric disorders are at increased risk for suicide. There are few case-control studies on attempted suicide in India. The aim of the study is to find out the prevalence and comorbidity of psychiatric disorders in survivors following their first suicide attempt.100 consecutive cases of first suicide attempters (Group-I) were compared with an equal number of randomly selected controls (Group-II), matched for age and sex. Variables related to socio-demographic characteristics, family background, stressful life events, psychiatric morbidity and comorbidity were analyzed. The two groups were compared using appropriate statistical measures. No significant difference in socio-demographic details was observed between the two groups except for education, which was significantly lower in the cases compared to controls. Interpersonal problems with a significant person (46%) were the most frequent reason attributed by the suicide attempters. Suicide attempters had significantly more undesirable and ambiguous life events compared to the controls. Those who made serious suicide attempt had significantly more undesirable life events in the past six months. Most common diagnostic categories were mood disorders. Group-I had higher psychiatric morbidity compared to groupII, comorbidity of psychiatric disorders (51.6% v. 19.5%). Individuals who made first suicide attempt had lower educational achievement; more undesirable and ambiguous life events; high prevalence of psychiatric morbidity and comorbidity of severe depression and anxiety in comparison to the controls.

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