Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Propagation of Situational Information about Covid-19 and Detection with Ranking-Based Diversity Reduction Strategy

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Dr. Ch. Ashok kumar1 , R. Lakshmi Priya2 , Rajesh Kannan K3


Abstract: In the present situation COVID-19 is the critical problem facing in all over the world. Therefore for detecting and diagnosing this virus effectively, quickly and with a low cost on a lot of tests, several countries are facing the problem of lacking the medical resources. In general, COVID-19 causing the pulmonary opalescence in frosted glass and bilateral pulmonary parenchyma, sometimes with a rounded morphology and peripheral pulmonary distribution. Therefore, main aim of this paper is rapidly extracting the small regions from the chest which can characterize the features of COVID-19 through the XRay images. For diagnosing these X-ray images to detect the virus the segmentation method of marine predator’s algorithm is mostly used. Hence to get a best solution within a few iterations, a strategy of Ranking based Diversity Reduction (RDR) is proposed in this paper which improves the performance of the marine predators algorithm. Moreover, to this ongoing outbreak of corona virus disease (COVID-19), it is important to provide valuable situational information for the public and authorities to know in which manner it is being spreading over society. Hence, to it is required to provide appropriate information. So, the appropriate information publishing strategy of Weibo data is used to classify information related to the COVID-19 epidemic into seven types of situational information are proposed in this paper.

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