Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Prevalence of clinical signs of carpel tunnel syndrome among dentist in Qatar

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Dr. Sabika Saeed H.S. Al Muraikhi1 , Dr. Khalid Esmael M. E. Rahimi2 , Dr.Ashwin C Shetty3


Abstract- Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common median nerve peripheral neuropathy characterized by pain, paresthesia. The study was done to determine the prevalence of clinical signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and its association with biographic and occupational information among dentists in Qatar. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a self-assessment questionnaire for the initial assessment of patients presenting with symptoms of CTS. The questionnaire comprises biographic and occupational information and the Symptom Severity Scale (SSS). In the SSS, there are 11 questions; responses may be scored from zero (mildest) point to four (most severe) points. The mean of all 11 scores was used to calculate the result. Therefore, a higher symptom severity score indicates worse symptoms. Obtained data was evaluated with SSPS software version 20. Result: Sixty-six dentists completed the survey giving an overall response rate of 71.7%. The prevalence of CTS was 24.2% as per the symptom questionnaire. The overall mean (±SD) symptom severity scale (SSS) score was 0.70 (±0.74). No statistically significant difference in score was found with biographic and occupational information. Conclusion: The prevalence of probable CTS among dentists in Qatar was relatively high. Early diagnosis of symptoms and education regarding ergonomic risk may impact the successful management of CTS.

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