Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Premenstrual Syndrome among Rural Adolescents of Kancheepuram District – A Cross Sectional Study

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1Dr Usha Sadasivan, 2Dr Mithun Manohar, 3Dr Shanmugapriya K, 4Dr Preethi S


Abstract Introduction Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is defined as set of physical and psychological symptoms regularly encountered during late luteal phase of menstrual cycle before the onset of next cycle of menstruation. Our study aims to assess the proportion of rural adolescents suffering from PMS, to identify the common premenstrual symptoms among rural adolescents and to correlate the association between the categorized PMS Symptoms among girls with PMS Material and Methods This is a cross- sectional, observational, questionnaire-based study taken up after obtaining Institutional Ethical Clearance. This study was carried out from October 2021-December 2021. Adolescents from rural area were enrolled as participants (n=500) for the study. The respondents were clearly instructed to record the symptoms experienced for 3 consecutive cycles, prospectively. Results- Our observation of presence of PMS among rural adolescents is 37%. Mean age of the study participants were 16.14±0.78 years, mean age at menarche is 10.20±1.30 years and average BMI were 19.78 + 3.86 respectively. PMS is categorized as PMS-A (43%), PMS C (20.5%), PMS D (23%) and PMS H (13.5%). Duration of cycle, age at menarche, BMI did not have any significant correlation with PMS. Around 47% had severe premenstrual syndrome followed by 44% had moderate premenstrual syndrome and 9.00% had mild premenstrual syndrome Conclusion- Premenstrual syndrome affects young rural adolescents which can interfere with their daily routine reducing their productivity in academic as well as social outcome thus impairing the quality of Life.

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