Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Placental Morphometry In Post-Partum Mother With Anemia Running title : Placental Morphometry

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Sri Rejeki1 , Septiana Arum Nur Aifa2 ,Wulandari Meikawati3, Sandeep Poddar 4


Abstract: Title of the Article: Placental Morphometry in Post-Partum Mother with Anemia Context: Anemia in pregnancy affects the abnormality of the placenta, thereby causing a decrease in placental function. Babies born with an abnormal placenta carry a risk of developing arterial blockage, heart failure, hypertension, and cancer in the future. Aims: Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the correlation between anemia in the third trimester of pregnancy and placental morphometry. Method: A total of 44 placentas from pregnant women with anemia and no anemia were selected by consecutive sampling techniques. The placentas were measured directly in weight, diameter, thickness, surface area, length of the umbilical cord, and the shape of the placenta. The measurement results were tested with Pearson correlation and Rank Spearman, while the placenta shape was tested by Chi-square. Result: As many as 75% of pregnant women experience anemia in the third trimester, by most of the placenta has normal weight and thickness, the diameter and length of the umbilical cord are all normal, and the size is mostly oval. The weight of placenta (p = 0.000), thickness of the placenta (p = 0.023), surface area of the placenta (p = 0.000) and diameter of the placenta (p = 0.000) have a correlation with anemia in pregnant women. Umbilical cord length (p = 0.872) means that it has no correlation with anemia in pregnant women. All of them have a direction of the correlation (r) negative. Statistical analysis used: The test is carried out at a significance level (α) of 95%. Placenta shape (p = 1.00) meaning that it has no correlation with anemia in pregnant women, OR = 0.939 (95%, CI = 0.861-1.024). Conclusion: The condition of anemia in third-trimester pregnant women has correlation with the weight, thickness, surface area, and diameter of the placenta but has no correlation with the length of the umbilical cord and the shape of the placenta.

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