Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Phytochemical Profiling and Extraction of Curcuma species

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Nisha Raj S, S. Sekaran, Reshma Varghese and Saritha Sadanandan Pillai sana Hussain, Aliya Lathief .


Turmeric is a spice made from the rhizomes of the ginger plant Curcuma (Curcuma longa, Curcuma aromatica, Curcuma amada, Curcuma caesia, and Curcuma angustifolia) (Zingiberaceae). Rhizomes are horizontal underground stems that produce both roots and shoots. Turmeric's vivid yellow colour is primarily due to fat-soluble polyphenolic pigments known as Curcuminoids. For this study, ethanol was used to extract the rhizomes of five Curcuma species (Curcuma longa, Curcuma aromatica, Curcuma amada, Curcuma caesia, and Curcuma angustifolia). Flavonoids, tannin, saponins, and diterpenoids were among the phytochemicals found in the plant species. Plants have therapeutic qualities due to the phytochemical substances they contain. Non-nutritive plant chemicals with disease-preventive characteristics are known as phytochemical components. Curcuma, rhizomes, plant species, phytochemical contents, qualitative phytochemical screening

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