Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Preeti Gautam1 , Mansab Raza2* ,Amandeep Singh3 ,Jyoti Saxena1


The coconut, Cocosnucifera L., is a plant that has been cultivated for its many benefits, especially in its nutritional and medicinal properties. Coconut is an unusual, edible fruit produced from coconut trees. The coconut tree is a type of palm that has a single straight stem and has been used for many purposes since prehistoric times. Every part can be used, including fruit, wood, and leaves. As a result, the trees are widely grown in many parts of South India for commercial and domestic use. From the coconut tree are found several products including coconut, soft coconut water, coconut, coconut shell and so on. All components are used. It is a unique source of various nutrients, so it has many medical functions including anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-plastic, anti-diabetic etc to maintain good health. And this current review explains the facts of a healthy diet and several activities of the Cocosnucifera drug.

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