Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Personal Turmoil And Psychological Disarray In Anita Desai’s “Fire On The Mountain”

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Dr.GomatamMohana Charyulu1 , Dr.PMattaiah Yadav2 , K Asha Latha3 , Dr. M Latha4 , k saikumar4 , 5Mr venkataPhanidhar


Personal Turmoil and Psychological disarrays are two different issues. The exact reasons of personality disorder are hardly unknown but it occurs with the effect of society and social experiences. Due to advancements in all the areas there has been increase in the treatments of personality disorders which is possible with medications and psychotherapies. Economic empowerment and prosperity of society is possible when women are physically and mentally sound. Anita Desai’s novels stand for a kind study on psychological realism and concerned with psychic life. The concept of stream of consciousness is shown in her novels as her characters thoughts, feelings and reactions are depicted in a continuous flow.The present paper focuseson “Fire on the mountain” andtells about the personality chaos of women.This paper also studies a little girl Rakaand two old women Nanda Kaul and IlaDas and expresses insecurity and lack of self-identity in them.

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