Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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B.Sivapathasundharam, 2*Protyusha Guha Biswas


Stereognosis refers to the ability to identify and discriminate the form of an object solely based on the sensation of touch. Similarly, oral stereognosis is the capability of an individual to discern the form and shape of an object inside their oral cavity without any visual assistance. The oral stereognostic ability evaluates the oral functioning of an individual and also determines the response of patients towards various dental therapies. This is accomplished by the association of more than one group of mechanoreceptors that are located on several oral structures. Oral streognostic testing greatly depends on the design of the experiment, since both the method and the material used for this kind of studies dramatically influences its result. The subject of oral stereognosis is closely linked with the overall oral health of an individual and their treatment per se, and needs wide exploration. This review is thus an attempt to comprehend the various aspects of oral stereognosis and provide clearer guidelines for further research in this field.

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