Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Obesity among dental students

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Ajrish George, 2Dhanraj Ganapathy


Obesity is a chronic medical condition associated with various oral health problems. The worldwide prevalence of obesity is 27.8%. Since obesity has a high prevalence worldwide, it is considered and prioritized as a major issue with regard to the economics of developed nations. Obesity is a disease with multiple aetiological factors, with genetics and specific obesity-related genes playing key roles. Due to the recent trends associated with urbanization, including increased refined food product consumption, unhealthy dietary habits, and a lack of physical activity, obesity is spreading fast. Obesity has been identified as a risk factor for various systemic diseases, including hypertension, cardio- vascular disease, metabolic diseases, osteoarthritis, respiratory difficulties, and some oral diseases, such as periodontal disease.The aim of the study is to accesses the prevalence of obesity among dental students of a private dental college.The study involve acessesing the obesity of various dental students using BMI index. All the data collected was computed in excel formal and statistical analysis was done.The study was conducted to accesses a change in 6 months period. All the data was statistically significant. After statistical analysis it was found that there was significant change between the initial and the data collected six months after. Thus in the current study it was observed the mean variation of the weight, food pattern and the BMI of each students and was found to have significant higher variation

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