Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Non Neoplastic Lesions Of Salivary Gland

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N.Anitha 1 , Aravind Jagadeesan2


ABSTRACT: A large group of non-neoplastic disorders can affect the salivary glands, although the more common are: mumps, acute suppurative sialadenitis, Sjögren's syndrome and drug-induced xerostomia. Salivary dysfunction is not a normal consequence of old age, and can be due to systemic diseases, medications or head and neck radiotherapy. Diagnosis of salivary disorders begins with a careful medical history, followed by examination. While complaints of xerostomia may be indicative of a salivary gland disorder, salivary diseases can present without symptoms. Therefore, routine examination of salivary function must be part of any head, neck, and oral examination. Health- care professionals can play a vital role in identifying patients at risk for developing salivary dysfunction, and should provide appropriate preventive measures and treatment.

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