Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Nicotine Dependence Level On Adult Smokers In West Java Indonesia

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Tita Syiami Qodriani1 , Laili Rahayuwati2 , Setiawan3 , Rindang Ekawati4


Abstract: Introduction: Smoking is an adverse behavior for one person and others. Although there are various negative effects of smoking, it does not affect the smokers to quit smoking, thus they had a nicotine dependence. The purpose of this research was to identify the sociodemographic characteristics and smoking history with nicotine dependence, and to identify the level of nicotine dependence on smokers. Patients and Methods: This research was quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study was 338 smokers. This research used total sampling method and it obtained a sample of 159 adult respondents. Data were collected using the Fagerström Nicotine Dependence (FTND). Results: The result of this research showed that, even though respondents in low levels of nicotine dependence (42,1%), most respondents were in a moderate level of nicotine dependence (39%), high of nicotine dependence (13,8%), and very high of nicotine dependence (5,1%). In addition, the majority of nicotine dependence tended to occur in respondents aged 18-40 years (49,7%), male (84,3%), final year of high school (49,1%), working as an entrepreneur (65,4%), and had an income of less than Rp2.893.074,72 (68,6%). In respondents’ smoking history, nicotine dependence was more likely to occur in respondents who started smoking at the age of 13-17 years (50,3%) with smoking for 1-10 years (30,2%), and smoking clove cigarettes (52,8%). Conclusions and Recommendations: The conclusion of this study that most respondents were in low levels of nicotine dependence and some respondents were in moderate, high, and very high levels of nicotine dependence, and there was a tendency between income and nicotine dependence.

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