Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Need of Comprehensive Physiotherapy in Multiple Sclerosis: A Narrative Review

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Archana Choudhary1 , Dr. Amandeep Singh2


Abstract Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic progressive and debilitating disease of adults which attacks myelin sheath in brain and spinal cord, leading to problems with coordination, balance, spasticity, muscle control, disability, gait disturbances and other basic bodily functions. The course of disease is highly unpredictable which greatly vary among MS patients. In majority MS attacks young adults which significantly affect the quality of life at an early stage of life. As far there is no known cure has been established for MS and patients are profoundly depends on DMDs to improve their physical as well as mental symptoms although the treatments are very expensive. Patients with MS usually do not involve in physical activity due to afraid of worsening of pre-existing symptoms or might get a relapse. Physicians now believe that exercises can play a crucial role in preventing deconditioning and to improve physical and mental symptoms as well as may have possible neuroprotective role in MS. This article reviews the effects of Physical therapy interventions on pathophysiology and on specific impairments in MS patients, and emphasizes a productive role of physical rehabilitation in PwMs. Methods A comprehensive literature search was done by formulating the research questions such as effects/role /benefits of exercises in MS (PubMed, SweMed, NCBI, Cochrane, Elsevier, Wiley online Library, Hindawi)

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