Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Mukhtara - an example of discovery and invention (on the example of Foni's poems)

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BekovaNazoraJuraevna, NIGORA KHUDOYOROVA


The article talks about the work of A. Navoi. Alisherbek was a minister without a minister. They recited poems in Turkish, but no one recited so many and well. "LISON UTTAYR" on horseback. He has organized four ghazals: "GAROYIB US-SIGAR", "NAVODIRUSH-SHABOB", "BADOYI UL-VASAT", "FAVOID UL "KIBAR" is a horseman. He has a good rhyme. I have some other musannafati, and this is a lower and slower event for these people. "

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