Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Modular Farming With The Utilization Of Induced EMF For A Feasible And Miniaturized Single Device

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Manjula K1 , Akhila P G2 , Gururaj V Desai3 , Harshitha R4 , and Shashank D R


India is developing technologically in every aspect and agriculture is no exception. Though there is a large scale mechanization of agriculture, there are only a few parts of country that have actually implemented them and are benefitted. Little to no use of mechanism is made and small and marginal farmers still rely on simple and conventional tools like wooden plough, sickle etc. for tilling, sowing the seeds and so on. This results in huge wastage of human labour, consumes more amount of time and low yields. This paper is an approach at developing a modular farming device to assist the farmer in agricultural processes like tilling, sowing the seeds and pesticide spraying. The paper aims at building the device whose operations can be controlled easily by the user with least manual labour. The system is built using Arduino microcontroller, motor driver, IR proximity sensor and servo motor, while the user controlling the device via bluetooth.

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