Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Management of Pregnancy with Bad Obstetric History through Ayurveda: A Case report

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1Anu. M. S, 2L. P. Dei, 3Megha Gupta, 4Nalini Anand


The term bad obstetric history or BOH is applied to mothers in whom a previous poor pregnancy outcome is likely to have a bearing on the prognosis of her present pregnancy. Poor pregnancy outcome may be there in form of recurrent pregnancy loss, stillborn baby or intrauterine death of fetus (IUD) which not only increases the perinatal mortality rate but also results in deterioration of physical as well as psychological health of women. There are number of causes which are responsible like genetic or chromosomal disorders, structural abnormalities, endocrinal dysfunction, infections, immunological factors, maternal diseases like anaemia, preeclampsia etc. Despite of regular antenatal care, investigations and management, sometimes the cause remain unknown for the pregnancy loss. In Ayurveda , Acharya Charaka mentioned the factors responsible for normal delivery of normally developed full term fetus as Shukra (healthy sperm), Asrig (healthy ovum), Atma (good deeds), Ashaya (healthy uterus), Kala (appropriate time), diet and mode of life mentioned for pregnant woman in Ayurveda. Ayurveda provides various drugs possessing Rasayana, Balya, Garbhasthapaka, Garbhaposhaka, Prajasthapaka and Shonitaprasadana properties which helps in continuation of pregnancy, proper growth and development of fetus overcoming all complications and simultaneously maintaining the health of mother. In the present case study, patient with history of 3 abortions and 1 Intrauterine death (IUD) was given Ayurvedic medicines to prevent any complications in present pregnancy resulting in delivery of healthy full term baby.

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